A paper collar was put on Elsa and she was advertised as a found cat. It became pretty clear very quickly that Elsa was actually pregnant so she was brought into foster as a priority.
Elsa settled into her foster room quickly and welcomed her fosterers' with a lovely chirp and head butt whenever they opened the bedroom door. She is a very sweet and loving little girl.
As her time to give birth got closer (duration is approx. 60 days give or take) it was clear that Elsa was preparing for the birth as she started to nest and was increasingly uncomfortable.
Sadly on the 24 March 2016 Elsa experienced difficulties in labour and was admitted into MK Vets for an emergency C-section. Elsa returned home with three healthy kittens but sadly two kittens didn't make it.
By the 25 March 2016 Elsa had been admitted as an emergency and was diagnosed with septicaemia. The emergency admission alone into Vets Now was just under £700.
Sadly the medication that Elsa was on meant she could no longer feed her adorable kittens and we owe a debt of thanks to Cat Welfare in Luton who kindly agreed to take on Elsa's kittens and handrear them.
Woody, Buzz and Jess
Whilst Elsa stayed in the vets being closely monitored and receiving treatment, much to our astonishment we managed to raise just over £600 in donations that weekend from our friends on facebook and twitter and from our fundraising activities at Jollyes on Saturday, 26 March 2016.
Elsa appeared to pick up over the weekend but by Tuesday, 29 March 2016 she lost her appetite again and was showing signs of a secondary infection.
Elsa was readmitted into the vets where stronger pain relief was given as well as further course of antibiotics and a stimulant to help increase her appetite. Further tests were also undertaken but we all remained stumped as to why she wasn't responding to treatment.
After much discussions with the vets we took the decision to agree to a feeding tube being inserted in order to ensure that Elsa got the nutrients that she needed.
Within 12 hours of the tube being inserted Elsa had started to eat and we're delighted she has been allowed home for the weekend where she is receiving lots of cuddles from her foster carer's Carole and Lloyd.
Update on Elsa - Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Elsa was back at the vets last night for her check-up after a weekend of pampering in foster. She still needs help with feeding and remains on antibiotics and pain relief but the fact that she is grooming herself and eating some food on her own is something. We don't feel though that we are out of the woods just yet and will see how she goes this week.
Elsa's vet bill is just under £1,500. If you would like to help pay towards the cost of her bill please go to our donate button on our bloghttp://mkcatsrescue.blogspot.co.uk
We’re also delighted to give you an update on Elsa's kittens who you know have had to be handreared due to the treatment that Elsa has received. Wood, Buzz and Jess are doing well at 10 days old! As with Elsa it is still early days but are't they adorable.
Update on Elsa; 8 April 2016
Here's our girl Elsa this evening. She's been to the vets and her bloods are all good so we're pleased with her progress this week. She still has little appetite so we will continue to supplement her food via her tube but she's doing well and we wanted to make sure all those fabulous folk who donated towards her vet bill can say hello to her this evening and if you can ask her to eat some more on her own that would be purrfect
21 April 2016
We're really pleased to inform you that Elsa is now eating on her own and is only requiring a small amount of top up via the tube. She is off to the vets early next week and we are keeping our paws crossed that the tube can be removed.

Beautiful Elsa had her feeding tube removed on the 26 April 2016 and went from strength to strength. The lucky girl was rehomed on the 21 May 2015 - strangely enough the same day her 3 kittens were also adopted x
We're really pleased to inform you that Elsa is now eating on her own and is only requiring a small amount of top up via the tube. She is off to the vets early next week and we are keeping our paws crossed that the tube can be removed.

Beautiful Elsa had her feeding tube removed on the 26 April 2016 and went from strength to strength. The lucky girl was rehomed on the 21 May 2015 - strangely enough the same day her 3 kittens were also adopted x
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