The Cat With A Name
Day 60
Puss Puss was asleep on one of his beds in front of the washing machine today, but became aware of the smell of something tasty! And started looking at me, as if to say "Is this something for me?"
He was in for a special treat as he was having some Applaws tuna and crab meat, that somebody had donated to MK Cat Rescue. MMmmm delicious he really enjoyed that - what a nice treat, so thank you for that donation.
After his special treat he went into his bed, washed his paws and face (not wanting to waste any of the tuna and crab) and then settled down for his afternoon snooze, which is where he stayed for most of the afternoon.
Day 61 & 62
Puss Puss had a very lazy day on Thursday spending most of it relaxing in his box in the garage, but of course becoming a lot more active at 11pm for his usual playtime.
Today I have been out shopping and bought some kitten food to donate to MK Cat Rescue for the kittens that have just been taken into foster care. And of course where there is food there's Puss Puss, he must have thought the boxes of food were for him, so he settled down next to them, probably hoping I was going to open a pouch for him!!
After his photo shoot he retired to his bed and decided to have a quick game with his toys in his bed before settling down for his afternoon snooze.
Day 63 & 64
What a miserable day Saturday was, it rained nearly all day but at least Puss Puss was indoors in the dry, which is more than can be said for Tiggy the Tabby, who was getting very wet whilst he sat at our back door looking in at Puss Puss.
In the afternoon I took the kitten food that I bought over to one of the MKCR fosterers, and whilst I was there I met Bumble, the little white kitten that is going to be having his front leg amputated, and OMG what a cutie, he is absolutely adorable. I also met his mum who was equally adorable.
It's been a nice sunny Sunday today, and Puss Puss has been lounging around on his bed in front of the french doors enjoying the lovely September sunshine.
Day 65 & 66
Puss Puss has gained a lot more confidence over the last couple of days and is interacting with us a lot more now, which is great. He is especially interested in what we are doing when we go into the kitchen and comes in with us every time we go in there and will sit all wide eyed staring at us in the hope he is going to be given something, well how can you resist those begging eyes - this old boy just loves his food. When he came to us in July he weighed 3.91 kg and last time the vet weighed him he was 4.54 kg but I think it might be a little more now - so I might need to start watching his weight now!!
One of our neighbours popped in on Monday and wanted to see Puss Puss. Normally Puss Puss would run and hide under the table if someone comes in and approaches him and talks to him, but I was really pleased that he stayed on his bed and just stared at our neighbour, so that is encouraging that he might be getting used to other people being in the house.
On Tuesday Puss Puss had a very lazy day again and as usual was chilling out on one of his beds conserving his energy for his evening playtime.
Day 67, 68 & 69
Puss Puss had a very quiet Wednesday and Thursday due to the weather being really hot so he just slept most of the day, but of course it goes without saying that he was wide awake and ready to play when it was time to go to bed.
But today (Friday) he has been wide awake during the day and has been playing like a kitten as I bought him a new toy mouse that squeaks every time he touches it. He has been flicking it and chasing it all around the room, he thinks it is so much fun and has been having a great time playing with it. Every time we think he is tired and has finished playing he starts running around chasing it again. Puss Puss may be 13 years old but he still loves to play with his toys, which is good as he is getting plenty of exercise. He is really making us laugh watching him. Only thing is we have to listen to the mouse squeaking whilst we are trying to listen to the telly!!! Lol.
Days 70, 71, 72 & 73
The blog for Puss Puss is now getting shorter as he has settled in with us and seems to have his daily routine all sorted out, so nothing new happening with him at the moment.
He continues to enjoy playing with his new squeaky mouse, well actually 2 mice, as I have brought him another one. He was playing with the first one so much he would often knock it under the sideboard or a chair and then he couldn't find it, so now when one goes missing he will play with the other one (and when that one goes missing, I'm on my hands and knees looking for both of them!!)
Puss Puss has an appointment at the vets on Thursday 22nd for his second vaccination and also a check up on his gums, so hopefully all will be well for him.
Day 74, 75 & 76
When I spoke to Claire back in April (2016) I asked if it would be possible to have a cat pen in my back garden so I could foster for MK Cat Rescue, so she arranged for Stewart to come around and measure up ad it was agreed that I could have a pen, but was the space I had in the garden was limited it would take some time to source one that would fit. I understood it would be a while before I would be able to start fostering and as MK Cat Rescue knew I was keen to get started they asked me if I would consider fostering a cat indoors until the pen was erected. I never had any intention of fostering indoors as our home is quite open plan and I was concerned that a cat might get out of the house, but as I was eager to get started on my fostering adventure I happily agreed. So the following week Puss Puss arrived with us and what a sorry state he was in. Now it is 76 days larer and he is fully vaccinated and his gums are healing nicely so he can go up for adoption. the time has come I can't let him go, he has become part of the family and he belongs with us. He is 13 years old and has been with us for 76 days so it wouldn't be fair on him to give him to someone else - would it!?
So we have adopted him and I really happy to say that he may have arrived as 'The Cat With No Name' but now he has an official name of 'Puss Puss Jerrard' and has his own permanent address at his furrever home with us.
Now, I know you will probably say that it is a Foster Fail but as I never had any intention of fostering indoors, I don't feel like I have let MK Cat Rescue down as I will still have the space to foster other cats when I get my outside pen.
So this is now the end of the blog about 'The Cat With No Name'.
Thank you all so much for reading the blog and sharing in our journey together, which thankfully has a very happy ending.
So happy for puss puss and will really miss reading about him. What a wonderful way for the blog to come to an end, I feel quite emotional. If it is classed as a foster fail, it's certainly the best one I've ever read about. May you have many happy years together xx :-)
ReplyDeleteHa! I knew it! I just knew this would be a happy "failed foster" situation. How could anyone spend all that time looking after a grand old fella and then give him up to an adopter? So happy for Puss Puss and his family. Nice work Puss Puss, keep those paws, firmly under the table lad!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrs to you all xx >^..^<
PS: It's wonderful that you can still foster too! :)